Sunday, July 12, 2009
Instal Windows XP
»Computer you are using Windows 3.0, Windows 3:11, Windows 95 and Windows 3:51
»Your computer does not use products from Microsoft
»Your computer is still not have the operating system
Let me begin by running the Windows XP installation from a CD. I akan mengganggap your computer did not have any operating system in it.
1. Turn your PC and insert the CD-ROM Windows XP Professional to the plate. You perlulah first hand so that your system can boot via CD-ROM.
2. After the computer completes the POST, the routine setup for Windows XP akan begun. View gambarajah under the following:
Prefix program shows the process of copying a fail-fail required by Windows XP. During this process runs, setup program will run Windows XP (version minima) before the setup program can commence. Specifically, at this time Windows will load pemacu (driver) for a particular purpose perkakasan.
3. Only the setup is complete run the program all the fail-fail pemacu required, you can see a list of scheduled partition for your system. Gambarajah see below:
Gambarajah show up in your system still does not have any partition. To create partition, you can use these Utilities. Note: If you already have a system partition, you can remove the partition and replace with the new partition.
To remove the partition, press D. butang To create partition, press C. butang
4. If you choose to create a new partition, you will take it to the shelf below.
Gambarajah above shows shelf Partition. You are given the option to put saiz partition to be created. If you do not understand the meaning of partition, I propose you use the entire partition saiz the maksima, press Enter to butang to rank onwards. Note: Remember that Windows XP requires a hard saiz cakera at least 1.5GB.
5. Then, you will be asked for the format of your new partition. There are several options which format NTFS (Quick), FAT (Quick), NTFS, and FAT. Select the type of the desired format and press Enter to butang to rank onwards.
6. After you select the type of format, the program setup process will commence on the format the partition created. Saiz depend on the type of partition and the selected system fail, this process will take a period of between 1 to 10 minit to finish.
Gambarajah above shows the process of formatting the partition.
7. Windows XP will then commence the process of fail-fail copy the source of the Windows XP CD into the new partition. This process will take several minit.
Gambarajah process fail-copy of Windows to fail in cakera hard.
8. Once completed copy of Windows fail-fail, the system will reboot. After finished reboot your computer, the program will switch to the setup GUI mod, this system will be identified and that there is perkakasan install in your PC. In the process this will also cause you skrin blink for some time because the system identifies the type of cuba for kad video that is being used.
9. During the mod in the GUI, you will be asked to check the Regional and Language settings. You also need to enter the Product Key for Windows XP. This Nombor Product Key label can be found in the Windows XP CD.
10. Butang click Next. On the next shelf, enter the name of the computer and word laluan Administrator. Butang Click Next, and on the shelf permanently, select the Time Zone for your area.
11. In the next steps, you will set the configuration on the Network Settings, there are given two options: Typical and Custom. If you select the Typical settings, your system will be paired with the following components:
- Client for Microsoft Networks
- QoS Packet Scheduler
- File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks
- TCP / IP, DHCP configured for
If you choose Custom settings, you will be given the opportunity to add and set the network configuration manually. You need not be worried about this, if you make a mistake in the configuration, you can still change it later.
Gambarajah above shows the Network Settings configuration.
12. Next, you need to specify the type of network you want to come, have the same workgroup or domain. If you choose to accompany the Domain, you will be asked to enter a username and declaration for the word laluan endorse your identity. Butang then click Next.
Gambarajah above indicate exposure to select workgroup or domain.
13. So-so now you leave your system fail-fail menyalinkan required. During this copying process, your system will install the programs in the Start Menu, register and remove Windows components fail, fail while from the Temporary folder.
14. When the setup process is almost ready, your system will perform kemaskini and reboot. If everything is in good condition, your system will continue to load Windows XP Professional and your so-so use your new operating system. Make the perisian-perisian third-party programs such as Utilities, perisian officials, as well as internet applications only successful enter your Windows XP desktop.
Re-install Windows XP without activation
Menyiasati Windows XP users to do the activation site to the Microsoft Windows within 30 days
The difference is felt to be the most new users who migrate to Windows XP is ditambahkannya Windows Product Activation, or WPA. This course will force users to do the activation site to the Microsoft Windows within 30 days.
If in that time has been specified as a user you do not also activation, Windows will be locked and you can use again after you activate them.
The same rule also applied to start new software various circulating lately. We take an example anti-virus product from Symantec, Norton AntiVirus 2004. This software also has implemented activation before you can use it in full. Options activation is provided through the public Internet or over the phone.
See this trend in the activation, you may wonder, for what the software activation? The idea behind the making of this activation is to reduce software piracy. With activation, the software developer can ensure that the product is used according to the user license is dibelinya. Suppose a user has a Windows XP license for one user, the user is then enabled Windows-nya. If he has another computer and want to install Windows without purchasing additional licenses, and Windows on the second computer will not be able to use more than 30 days. It, Windows can not be activated because of the license.
While the Product Activation This solution is made for the developer program, but how this can be a stumbling block for the official license. Why? Because, if the computer owner to do is reinstall the operating system after activation, it can not activate Windows for keduakalinya. But, do not be angry and disappointed with the first problem. Pcplus have the solution! Follow these steps before you reinstall Windows.
1. Click [Start]> [All Programs]> [Accessories]> [Windows Explorer].
2. Create a new folder, for example with the name of the backup on the drive D.
3. Go to the folder C: WINDOWSsystem32. If you install Windows on another drive, you can adjust them with the drive that you use.
4. On the right a window will appear that states that the information in the file folder in the hidden condition. Click the hyperlink [Show the contents of this folder] to display the contents of the system32 folder.
5. After system32 folder opens, look for a file called wpa.dbl.
6. Wpa.dbl copy files to the folder that you previously created (D: ackup),
If you've already done the steps above, Now is time for you to reinstall Windows XP. You can format the hard disk and do a â € œFresh Installâ €? safely. Once installed the new Windows on your computer:
1. Restart the computer and press the [F8] on the keyboard right before the computer into the Windows operating system.
2. Select [Safe Mode] to enter mode œamanâ € â €?.
3. On the Safe mode, restart Windows Explorer.
4. Go to the folder where you save the backup file wpa.dbl, and a copy-back the file to the folder C: WINDOWSsystem32.
5. Wpa.dbl file when you paste, it will appear that the file information has been available in the system32 folder. Click [Yes] to do the overwrite.
6. Finally, restart Windows and see, Windows XP does not ask for activation again!
Friday, July 10, 2009
History of Linux
Linux or GNU / Linux is a free operating system which is very popular. The term Linux or GNU / Linux (GNU) was also used to refer to the entire orbit Linux (Linux distribution), which often included other programs in addition to Operating System. Examples are programs such as Web Server, Language Pengaturcaraan, Database, Persekitaran Desktop (Desktop environment) (such as GNOME and KDE), and office suites (office suite), such as Circular-orbit Linux has experienced rapid growth in terms of popularity, so the more popular version of UNIX that propritari (proprietary) and began to rival Microsoft Windows dominance in some cases.
Linux endorse many Perkakasan Computers, and has been in use in a variety of equipment from time to Superkomputer Computer and System Benam (Embedded System) (such as Telefon Mudahalih and private Tivo Video Recorder).
In the beginning, he created and used by peminatnya only. Now Linux has received sponsorship from big companies such as IBM, Hewlett-Packarddan and other big companies. The penganalisa vector kejayaannya this is because Linus does not depend on the vendor (vendor-independence), perkakasan a low cost, and kepantasannya proportionate proprietary versions of UNIX, as well as safety factors, and proportionate kestabilannya with Microsoft Windows. The characteristics of this top is also a proof of the benefits of open source development model.
Linux kernel initially written as a hobby by a university student Linus Torvalds of Finland to study at the University of Helsinki, Minix kernel to make free and can edit. (Minix is a UNIX-like project lessons to be cooked easily and not for commerce purposes.) Version 0:01 issued to the Internet in September 1991, Version 0:02 on 5 October 1991. [1]
Next, the author beribu thousands of volunteer programs around the world have this attached to the project.
History of Linux-based operating system arat associated with the GNU project, the projects diketuai popular free program by Richard Stallman. The GNU project began in 1983 to create a Unix-like operating system complete - compiler, application Utilities, Utilities, and so on development - with the program be completely free. In 1991, when the first version of Linux is written, the GNU project, the projects have produced almost all the system components - except the kernel. Torvalds and the kernel such as Linux developer to adjust the kernel so that they can work with GNU components, and so removing the Operating System that just works. Thus, Linux space complete in the last draft GNU.
Although the Linux kernel dilisensikan under the GNU General Public License, it is not from the GNU project.
Tux, a Penguin, and maskot is a logo for Linux. Linux is tandaniaga (SN: 1916230) which is owned by Linus Torvalds. Linux is listed as "Program system for computer usage and computer operations." Tandaniaga this diletak after an incident occur in which a forger named William R Della Croce Jr. began to dispatch letters to the pengedar Linux megklaim tandaniaga Linux is hers and ask for royalties of 10% of them. The pengedar Linux start encourage tandaniaga the original given to Linus Torvalds. Perlisensian tandaniaga Linux now dikendali by Linux Mark Institute.
Linux distribution
See also Linux Distribution
There are many Linux distribution or circulation (more known as distributions), are made by individuals, groups, and other institutions. Each individual program may be included with the system and additional application program, in addition to include a program to install the entire system in a new computer.
The core of every orbit is a Linux Kernel Linux, the collection program from the GNU project (or other projects), shell, and aturcara Utilities such as libraries (libraries), compilers, and Pengedit (editor). Most systems also include aturcara Utilities and non-GNU, however Utilities can be exiled and still provide a Unix-style system. Some examples are aturcara and Utilities from the BSD and System Tetingkap-X (X-Window System). X provides Antaramuka Graphic (GUI) for the fundamental Linux system.
Applications based on the Linux Operating System
Linux users, which is tradisinya need to install and configure the system themselves, tend to understand technology better than Microsoft Windows users or Mac OS. They are often called "hackers" or "geek". But this stereotype is reduced with the increase in user-friendly nature and extent of the orbit Linux users. Linux has been making quite a good achievement in the computer server market and special purpose computer. For example, the engine render images, and web services. Linux has also become a popular market in the computer "desktop".
Linux is the basis of a combination of program-server LAMP, shortness of Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl / PHP, Python. LAMP has reached a wide popularity among the web developer.
Linux is also often used as an Operating System Benam. The cost of Linux allows the use of inexpensive equipment such as the Simputer, the low cost computer that disasarkan in low-income residents in Developing Countries.
With Persekitaran Desktop as KDE and GNOME, Linux User Interface which offers more like Apple Macintosh or Microsoft's Windows Interface Line Landing as Unix. Thus, the more graphics program can be found on Linux, that offers many functions in the Utilities commercial.
Market and dapatpakai
Linux in the first operation of the system is only used by peminat computer, the system has become a more user-Living, antaramuka with a variety of graphics applications that are more similar to other consumer operating system, from the direction of Unix. However, this impression has been raised many criticisms, including the proponent of Linux. They argued that the Linux programs and projects are still not free to reach a satisfactory ke'dapatpakai'an factors. The issue of proportionate ke'dapatpakai'an Linux Windows or Macintosh is still a hot issue of debate. Linux market in the computer "desktop" is still quite small but growing. According to Institute Investigation Pasaran IDC, big market for Linux in 2002 is 25% for the server market, and 2.8% of market for personal Computers.
For those who only use the regular Windows or Macintosh, Linux may seem more difficult due to differences in the various work computer. And again, it is easier to find the technical sponsorship for Windows or Mac OS than Linux. Moreover, the users often need to switch programs that are often used, because the program is not found in Linux (or rather the selection is limited, particularly computer games). The other factor is the nature of doubt users are difficult to release their operating system (many users are still using the old version of Windows). In addition, most computers shipped with Windows ready installed (preinstalled). These factors cause the development of Linux is rather slow.
However, over Linux as a low cost, the more safe securities, and does not depend on the vendor, has encouraged the widespread use of the cooperative and in the kingdom. In this situation, the obstruction mentioned above can be reduced because only the application / Utilities limited use, and work pentadbiran computer (administration) is controlled by a group of IT specialists who work less.
There are various studies conducted a limited cost and ke'dapatpakai'an Linux. Relevantive, (an organization based in Berlin, mengkhusus in talks about the institution ke'dapatpakai'an program, and web services), have made a conclusion that ke'dapatpakai'an Linux for work with the computer "desktop" is almost the same with Windows XP . However, the study by IDC (funded by Microsoft) to claim that Linux has ownership costs (Total Cost of ownership) in a higher proportionate Windows.
Linux is also often criticized because of the construction schedule can not be suspected. Directly, the user's Enterprise Linux with less opportunity than other operating systems (Source: Marcinkowski, 2003). Options that many in the circle said Linux also confuse customers, vendors and programs.
The difficult process that often-times a barrier for new users, but this process is now easier to end this final. With the acceptance of Linux by some pengeluar PC (Personal Computer) the largest, the computer that disedia-orbit pairs with Linux can be found. There is also the orbit where the Linux-boot Linux in the hold of the Live CD without installing to the Hard Disk. Examples shaped orbit Linux Live CD is Knoppix / Gnoppix and Gentoo. CD ISO image for Linux is to orbit can usually loaded down from the Internet, written to a CD, and then membootkan CD.
Configuring Linux for most of the settings often need to be menerusi editing text files in the directory / etc. There are also Utilities such as Linuxconf and GNOME System Tools that facilitate this work aims to provide antaramuka graph. However, the landing is the way most commonly used.
Support for Linux is usually obtained menerusi peer (in this context means rakan in talian) - other Linux users in the internet forums, newsgroups and list mel. Linux User Bundle (LUG, Linux Users Group) was established in sulurh the world to help local users, new users, and user experience. Assistance, including the installation, use, organize and encourage the development of a Linux system.
Pembekalan orbit for commercial Linux in general practice model to provide some sponsorship. Third party endorsement is also available
Scale Business Development Linux
A study (More Than a Gigabuck: Estimating GNU / Linux 's Size [2]) on Red Hat Linux 7.1 found that this cycle contains 30 million lines of code source (''the source lines of code (SLOC )''). Using the COCOMO cost model of this study show that this orbit takes 8000 years of development, when the software is developed in the conventional way proprietasi. And will eat around 1:08 billion dollars (2000 dollars) to develop in the United States.
The majority of the code (71%) written in C, but many other languages used, including C + + shell scripts, Lisp, assembly language, Perl, Fortran and Python.
About half of the code in lisensikan under the GPL.
Kernel Linux kernel contains 2.4 million lines of code, or about 8% of the total, showed that the majority of the cycle consists of the Linux code was not in Linux Kernel.
"GNU / Linux"
See Naming controversy GNU / Linux
Because Utilities Utilities-projects from the GNU free operating system - without a Linux system this will not be a Unix-like system in a user perspective - Richard Stallman's GNU / FSF requested that a combination of the system (the GNU project and Linux kernel), referred to as "GNU / Linux." User orbit Debian Linux project's more likely to use the name. Most users are easier to use the term "Linux".
Action Act (Litigation)
Main article: SCO Vs IBM On Mac 2003, Kumpulan SCO (SCOG - SCO Group) has issued summons terbatasap IBM is claiming that IBM had entered was from intellectual property to SCOG in the Linux kernel, where he is in violation terbatasap license for IBM use UNIX. Said license is held by the SCO group. Moreover, Kumpulan SCO has also sent a letter to the institution and to give some warning about the use of Linux without a license from SCO group will receive an action from them. SCO also issued a set of statements in the media that they will be next menyaman Linux users. This controversy has been some criticism by mencetus Collection SCO terbatasap Novell, DaimlerChrysler, and AutoZone, other than the warrant request by Red Hat and others terbatasap SCOG.
Windows with Linux
Internet Explorer, Media Player, Notepad, and several other small programs, a program that we will find after the installation of Windows. This is very different with Linux. Linux comes with many programs in it. Once installed, direct the program will be found many of the program almost all categories. Only a category Office Suite, Multimedia (Sound, Video, Graphics), Internet (Browsers, Email, Chat, Downloader, Messenger, Torrent, News), 3D, Games, Utility, etc.. With the installation of almost the same, not just Linux users get an operating system but also all the programs needed for daily activities in Linux.
There are many similarities and there are many differences between Linux and Windows. Some of the differences in Linux and Windows, including: system configuration you may often hear in Linux you need to edit the file manually through the command line. Some of the news is true, but with PCLINUX Control Center configuration system you can do is point n click. PCLINUX have the hardware detection is good, so almost all run automatically. And almost all of the program in PCLINUX comes with a configuration that is ready for use. For example, the Internet browser has been accompanied by a number of plug-ins. No need to download and install the flash plug-ins or the other.
Hardware Support You often hear the hardware does not work in Linux. This is because the hardware does not provide Linux driver version. Fortunately, recent enough that many vendors already provide Linux driver support. And the introduction of Linux hardware will increase the longer the start, so rarely heard in the Linux hardware problems. Handle Crash Linux in general seen as a stable operating system. And if you compare Linux with Windows 95/98/ME, Linux is much more stable. Windows XP - if you follow the instructions with the system well - will be quite stable. And just as with Windows, a time you will also find a problem in Linux. Although rare, but the program crashes or hangs can occur. This is a fact of life in the computer world. However, there are some differences in Windows and Linux. Unix and Linux have a multi-user nature.
Linux applications are run with different Windows. When an application is locked, you can off easily. Simply press the key combination Ctrl + ESC, and you can select the application (or process) which are problematic. And if the graphics system is locked, you can switch to the command-prompt (by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1) and kill the process the software manually. You also have the option to restart desktop just by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Backspace. This means you do not have to even reboot a Linux system are experiencing. Windows is the operating system, that is why Windows does not provide a lot after the program installed. Even if you may have will only find the Internet Explorer, Media Player, Notepad, and several other small programs.
Windows is the operating system, that is why Windows does not provide a lot after the program installed. Even if you may have will only find the Internet Explorer, Media Player, Notepad, and several other small programs. This is very different with Linux. Although also a Linux operating system, but Linux comes with many programs in it. Once installed, you will find many programs of almost all program categories. Only a category Office Suite, Multimedia (Sound, Video, Graphics), Internet (Browsers, Email, Chat, Downloader, Messenger, Torrent, News), 3D, Games, Utility, etc..
With the installation of almost the same, you get not only an operating system but also all the programs needed for daily activities in Linux.
Security and Virus One of the main problems in Windows that most often is found in viruses and spyware. From year to year, this problem is not the decline but even more swell. This all happened because a lot of security holes in Windows that can be exploited by those who are not responsible.
Linux derived from the Unix operating system that has a stronger level of security. That's why there are not many viruses on Linux and if there can not proliferate rapidly and are usually not able to bring a great damage. Although not sepenting in Windows, some anti-virus program in linux still can be found, such as ClamAV and F-Prot. PCLinux has provided the ClamAV anti-virus can be found on the Start menu> Applications> FileTools> KlamAV.
Spyware Spyware is a problem that is quite common in the Windows world. Usually the spyware program, collecting and sending a data to a server. For a more positive things, this program is usually used for marketing purposes. Unfortunately, there is also a bad aim is to steal identities, credit cards, and other negative actions. Not many spyware programs that menginfeksi Linux Linux work considering how the more difficult to be penetrated. PCLinux has been providing pre-installed firewall to protect your system and can be activated through the PCLinux Control Panel. Harddisk Linux partition naming does not recognize drive C: for a partition. All drives are in a large storage system. Folder / mnt is the place to access all media on the computer, either another partition, CD-ROM, Floppy, or Flashdisk.
Later memperudah KDE has access to the media to provide the system with the Storage Media, which is accessible through My Computer or the file manager Konqueror. File Naming Linux uses "/" to separate folders and not "\" used DOS / Windows. Linux is case-sensitive, this means that the file "Hello.txt" different from the file "hello.txt". Linux also does not consider the file extension too. If you change the file name "Hello.txt" to "Hello", Linux is still to know that this file is a text. And when you click on the file "Hello", Linux will automatically open a text editor program.
Convenience and Security As already known, that as a regular user (not Root) can not write any file in the folder. User only has write access in their home folder. As a regular user, will not be able to change an important part of the Linux system. This indeed seems too restrictive and making, but it is far more secure, because only certain people who have access to the Root may only touch the system. Moreover, the virus also can not easily touch the Linux system. That's why we do not hear a lot of viruses in Linux
That is why in Linux, the user is not recommended to use Root for day-to-day. Make at least 1 computer for each user and only use the Root for the administration of the system. This is far different with Windows which is very vulnerable to the virus. This occurs because the Windows user also has the right as well as administrators. Most Windows users do not know this, so that their system is very vulnerable to virus attacks. Windows Vista now has adopted the Linux system is security. Defragment In Linux will not find a program for men-disk defrag. Do not need to defragment the hard drive Linux! Linux file system that handles this automatically. However, if the disk is filled to 99% will get a speed problem. Make sure there is enough space to handle the Linux system and will never have problems deframentasi.
File system has two Windows system files. FAT (from DOS and Windows 9x) and NTFS (from Windows NT/2000/XP). You can even read and save files in the FAT and NTFS system owned Windows. This does not apply otherwise, Windows will not be able to read or save the file on a Linux system. Like Windows, Linux has some kind of file system, including ReiserFS or ext3. This system in some more good things from FAT or NTFS Windows as the property of a technique called journaling. Save this journal entry on the file system. When a Linux system crash, the journal will be completed after the reboot, and all the files on the hard drive will keep running smoothly.
The Hardware
Hardware computer (hardware) are all parts of the physical computer, and be with the data residing in or who operate in it, and be with Perangakat (software) that provides instructions for Hardware in completing its tasks.
Limitation of the hardware and software will be a little blurry when we speak about firmware, because this firmware is software that "made" into the hardware. Firmware is the area of computer science and computer engineering, which is rarely recognized by the general user
Types of Hadrware
1. Printer
Epson brand inkjet printer
Printer or printer is a tool that displays the data in the form of prints, such as text and pictures / graphs, on paper. The printer is usually divided into several parts, the picker as a tool to take paper from the tray. Tray is the place to put papers. Ink or toner is indeed devices, because there is something called a toner or ink used to write on paper. The difference is the ink and toner difference system; laser toner or heating needs, while inkjet ink or do not need heating, cleaning or cleaning only the print-head printer.
There is also a flexible cable to allow signals from the processor to the printer ink or toner. This cable is thin and flexible, yet strong. On the back of the printer is usually a parallel port or USB connector to the computer.
Printer modem is a powerful tool. Perkakasan electronic printing is in a perkakasan with the electronic computer which is in itself. Have any type of printing that is the type of 6-Dot Matrix, Daisy Wheel type, the type of Ink-Jet / Bubble Jet type, chain type, type, and type of Laser Drum
2. SPEAKER (speaker)
In each of the sound system, determining the quality of sound depends on the speaker. Recording the best, is coded into the tool storage of high quality, and played with a deck and the top-class sound, the only result will be ugly sound when the speaker is associated with low quality. On the speaker system is a component that carries electronic signals, store them in CDs, tapes, and DVDs, and return it to the actual vote in the form that we can hear. In this article, will be explained how a speaker to do the process. It also will be discussed why the speakers are designed different and how these differences cause the different effects of the same quality. Speaker is an incredible technology that provides a very large impact on our culture. But besides all that, the speakers actually is just a tool that is very simple.
Speaker for television
But basically, an engine is a speaker end, opposite from the microphone. Speaker to bring electrical signals and change them back into vibration to create sound waves. Speaker of the vibration is almost the same as that generated by a microphone that is coded and recorded on tape, CD, LP, and others. Speaker traditional process of doing this by using one or more drivers.
List of loudspeaker that is generally known in Indonesia;
BMB * Altec Lansing
* Creative Pioneer
Visioneer * Sonic Gear
Logitech Marantz *
Kenwood Genius *
Delta * JBL
OLED Display Screen
Organic Light-Emitting diode (OLED) or light dioda is an organic semiconductor as a light radiator made from organic layer. OLED technology is used in elektroluminensi, as in the application screen or sensor. Flexible technology is popular with ketipisannya the reach of less than 1 mm.
Background OLED technology, scientists found by Eastman Kodak Company, Dr. Ching W. Tang in 1979. Research in Indonesia on this technology started in 2005. OLED technology was created as a aternatif able to surpass the previous generation of the display screen, liquid crystal display (Liquid Crystal Display or LCD). OLED continue to be developed and applied tools in OLED technology tampilanTeknologi
OLED is an important tools in technology elektroluminensi. Technology has the basic concept of a light beam generated by the device due to the electric field is given. OLED technology was developed to obtain a broad view, flexible, inexpensive and can be used as an efficient screen for the display purposes.
Number of colors of light emanated by the OLED device from developing into a multi-color color. This phenomenon is obtained by making variations in electrical voltage that is given to the tools so that the OLED has the tools to become alternative tools such as flat screen display technology based on liquid crystals.
Mechanism of
Mechanism of OLED electrode that is if the electric field is given, the function of cathode akan turun and electron-electron moving from the cathode to the conduction band in the organic layer. These conditions lead to the emergence hole (hole) in the valence band. Anoda akan hole to encourage the move towards organic valence band. This process resulted in the occurrence of rekombinasi electron and hole in the organic layer where the electrons will come down and unite with holes ago to provide excess energy in the form of light photons with a certain wavelength. In the end will be one type of light beam with a wavelength depending on the type of material used light relay
Design a Website
Some years ago, when I was first introduced to the world's internet site design, I think it is not possible to learn everything there is to know about building websites from scratch.
Everything looks so big! I still do not know all the facts "about the design of Web or Internet, but I do make one important discovery on this trip - I do not know everything about how to create your own web site to build interesting and highly effective Internet presence.
The Webmaster course web site is proof that life online, with minimum Internet knowledge, beginners can design an efficient Internet site in just a short period of time. The entire web page, you will find resources and step-by-step instructions that need to design your own complete business or personal site.
Designing Your Own Website is the First Step in Reaching Your Goals
Are you thinking to start an online business or simply add your "personal" touch to the World Wide Web, designing your own site is the first step to achieve your goals. You can hire some fancy designer to create your site for you, but that's not fun. In addition, you want the Website to reflect your personality, your decisions and hard work, style and design is unique, right? Here is a good idea to develop a personal or business Website. With this idea, you will be able to develop the basic outline for your new website.
Your Personal Website:
* Share your family tree with others and find long lost relatives.
* Build your site around your favorite hobby. Let other people in the world know your expertise and knowledge about how to do it better. You can include pictures, demonstrations, and detailed instructions.
* Start of people to your family. Update family reunions (photos, day, date, location, and time), store data about birthdays and "new" birth, have a "child" only "part, and even started a photo album for all the family members that is different from your family -- there are tons of unique ways to build a community of your family!
* Offer to volunteer your Church Website or your favorite organization - Learn how to design a web page for boy / girl scouts, charity events, cancer foundations, etc. ..
If you're still not sure about the theme of your personal website, go here for 101 Personal Website Design Ideas.
Your Internet Business Site:
Turn your favorite hobby into part-time or full time Internet business after taking a web design class for beginners. If you are good at sewing, homeowner repair, cooking, exercise, camping, traveling, crafts, music, writing, accounting, etc., you are the perfect candidate for online business and web design of this course. Did you know that the unique knowledge and experience that can be changed to advantage in the Internet?
* You may already have a business and want to transfer it to the Web or to add extra value to your company. Either way, you can reach the desired destination with the easy web design resources provided here for you.
* Perhaps you have a product or invention in mind that the time you want to promote on the Internet? There are many very successful sites that promote only one or two products.
Website is required in the design software such as asp, html, microsoft prontpage, Microsoft Access, photoshop and urd. Asp is a server side that is the ability to have combined with the text. Html used to make a mark-up (designation) of a text document. Frontpage used to design a website and publish it to the internet. Microsoft Access is used to create the database. Photoshop has to deliver the look website become more interactive and interesting, while a Url address of the internet, so the website can be accessed by the user. In design website, SAP has to combine the benefits of text, Html and components to create a web page that is dynamic and interaktive.
Website design can be applied in different institutions, including office groove. With the design of the website can manage office groove profiles village. Besides website design can also process the data and data process data employees. The author tries to make a website design and creation of data of tax payments for land and buildings contribute groove in the office, where the information system used and manual. Office during the groove is still in writing for the payment of taxes on land and buildings, this is less effective and disadvantage, in addition to the limited time also get the cost of expensive enough. To take the website design to provide convenience in conducting business activities in this groove. By using the website then the office can handle the groove and process the data or information in a rapid, precise and accurate.
Creating a Website - Fast and Easy!
Creating a website. Sounds complicated, doesn't it? It isn't. You don't need to be a techie or learn any type of complicated code either. If you are creating a website for the first time, bookmark this site. It will be really useful to you. I tell you everything you need to know and walk you through each step of the process - free!
There are three main steps to creating a web site:
1. Get a Domain Name - this page has everything you need to know about domain names - what they are, why you need one, how to choose a good one and how to get one.
2. Choose a Web Host - this page explains what a web host is, how to choose a good one, and what you really need and what you don't so you don't get taken.
3. Creating a Web Site - this page explains how you actually build a website, what you should and should not put on it and helps you figure out which website builder is for you.
Creating a website is just the first step to having a successful website. I will also show you add-ons you can put on your website like newsletters and counters for free or cheap, ways you can make money from your website and how to get traffic to it.
Why I Created This Website
I started this website for my friends and family because I was tired of seeing them get ripped off when they were creating a web site. They either paid way too much (and thought it was a good deal!) or got suckered into buying stuff they didn't need. This was started for them, but I hope you find it helpful too.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Michael Joseph Jackson
Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009), often dubbed the "King of Pop," was an American recording artist, widely regarded as one of the greatest entertainers who ever lived. With his trademark black trilby and single, sequinned glove, his unique contributions to music and dance, along with a highly publicized personal life, made him a central part of popular culture around the world for four decades.
Michael Jackson | |
Michael Jackson in 1984 | |
Background information | |
Birth name | Michael Joseph Jackson |
Born | August 29, 1958(1958-08-29) Gary, Indiana, U.S. |
Died | June 25, 2009 (aged 50) Los Angeles, California, U.S. |
Genre(s) | Pop, dance, R&B, rock, soul |
Occupation(s) | Singer-songwriter, producer, dancer, choreographer |
Voice type(s) | Soprano, Tenor,[1] Falsetto[2] |
Years active | 1964–2009 |
Label(s) | Motown, Epic |
Associated acts | The Jackson 5/The Jacksons |
Website | |
One of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, his achievements included multiple Guinness World Records—including the "Most Successful Entertainer of All Time"—13 Grammy Awards, 13 number one singles, and the sale of over 750 million records. He was also a notable philanthropist, donating millions of dollars to the 39 charities he supported, and raising more through his own Heal the World Foundation.
The seventh child of the Jackson family, he made his debut in 1968 as a member of The Jackson 5, beginning a solo career in 1971. His 1982 album Thriller remains the best-selling album of all time, with four others—Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991), and HIStory (1995)—among the best selling. He popularized several physically complicated dance moves, such as the robot and the moonwalk, now iconic. He is widely credited with having transformed the music video from a promotional tool into an art form, with videos such as Thriller, "Beat It" and "Billie Jean" making him the first African American to amass a strong crossover following on MTV, and others, such as "Black or White" and "Scream," ensuring his popularity well into the 1990s.
Jackson's personal life generated significant controversy. His changing appearance was noticed from the early 1980s, his skin appearing paler and his facial features becoming almost androgynous. He was accused in 1993 of child sexual abuse, and though no charges were brought, his health suffered when he started using painkillers to cope with the stress. He married twice and fathered three children, one of them with a surrogate mother, actions that triggered more speculation about his life. In 2005, he was tried and acquitted of different child molestation allegations, which provoked a further decline in his health. He died in Los Angeles on June 25, 2009, aged 50, after suffering a cardiac arrest, his memorial service broadcast live around the world, attracting an audience of up to one billion people.[3]
Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. [1]
Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the "brand image" . For these purposes, advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags, billboards and mail or post. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization.[citation needed]
Organizations that frequently spend large sums of money on advertising that sells what is not, strictly speaking, a product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations, and military recruiters. Non-profit organizations are not typical advertising clients, and may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as public service announcements.[citation needed]
Money spent on advertising has increased dramatically in recent years. In 2007, spending on advertising has been estimated at over $150 billion in the United States[2] and $385 billion worldwide,[3] and the latter to exceed $450 billion by 2010.
While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without social costs. Unsolicited Commercial Email and other forms of spam have become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these services, as well as being a financial burden on internet service providers.[4] Advertising is increasingly invading public spaces, such as schools, which some critics argue is a form of child exploitation.[5] In addition, advertising frequently utilizes psychological pressure (for example, appealing to feelings of inadequacy) on the intended consumer, which may be harmful.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music and literature. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics.
The definition and evaluation of art has become especially problematic since the early 20th century. Richard Wollheim distinguishes three approaches: the Realist, whereby aesthetic quality is an absolute value independent of any human view; the Objectivist, whereby it is also an absolute value, but is dependent on general human experience; and the Relativist position, whereby it is not an absolute value, but depends on, and varies with, the human experience of different humans.[1] An object may be characterized by the intentions, or lack thereof, of its creator, regardless of its apparent purpose. A cup, which ostensibly can be used as a container, may be considered art if intended solely as an ornament, while a painting may be deemed craft if mass-produced.
Traditionally, the term art was used to refer to any skill or mastery. This conception changed during the Romantic period, when art came to be seen as "a special faculty of the human mind to be classified with religion and science".[2] Generally, art is made with the intention of stimulating thoughts and emotions.
The nature of art has been described by Richard Wollheim as "one of the most elusive of the traditional problems of human culture".[3] It has been defined as a vehicle for the expression or communication of emotions and ideas, a means for exploring and appreciating formal elements for their own sake, and as mimesis or representation.[4] Leo Tolstoy identified art as a use of indirect means to communicate from one person to another.[4] Benedetto Croce and R.G. Collingwood advanced the idealist view that art expresses emotions, and that the work of art therefore essentially exists in the mind of the creator.[5][6] The theory of art as form has its roots in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, and was developed in the early twentieth century by Roger Fry and Clive Bell.[4] Art as mimesis or representation has deep roots in the philosophy of Aristotle.[4] More recently, thinkers influenced by Martin Heidegger have interpreted art as the means by which a community develops for itself a medium for self-expression and interpretation.[7]
Operating system
An operating system, or OS, is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating system, a computer would be useless.
As computers have progressed and developed so have the types of operating systems. Below is a basic list of the different types of operating systems and a few examples of operating systems that fall into each of the categories. Many computer operating systems will fall into more than one of the below categories.
GUI - Short for Graphical User Interface, a GUI Operating System contains graphics and icons and is commonly navigated by using a computer mouse. See our GUI dictionary definition for a complete definition. Below are some examples of GUI Operating Systems.
System 7.x
Windows 98
Windows CE
Multi-user - A multi-user operating system allows for multiple users to use the same computer at the same time and/or different times. See our multi-user dictionary definition for a complete definition for a complete definition. Below are some examples of multi-user operating systems.
Multiprocessing - An operating system capable of supporting and utilizing more than one computer processor. Below are some examples of multiprocessing operating systems.
Multitasking - An operating system that is capable of allowing multiple software processes to run at the same time. Below are some examples of multitasking operating systems.
Multithreading - Operating systems that allow different parts of a software program to run concurrently. Operating systems that would fall into this category are:
Operating system listing
Below is a listing of many of the different types of operating systems available today, the dates they were released, the platforms they have been developed for and who developed them.
System Information
SIW can create a report file (CSV, HTML, TXT or XML), and is able to run in batch mode (for Computer Hardware and Software Inventory, Asset Inventory Tracking, Audit Software Licenses).
The system information is divided into few major categories:
- Software Inventory: Operating System, Installed Software and Hotfixes, Processes, Services, Users, Open Files, System Uptime, Installed Codecs, Software Licenses (Product Keys / Serial Numbers / CD Key), Secrets (Password Recovery).
- Hardware Inventory: Motherboard, Sensors, BIOS, CPU, chipset, PCI/AGP, USB and ISA/PnP Devices, Memory, Video Card, Monitor, Disk Drives, CD/DVD Devices, SCSI Devices, S.M.A.R.T., Ports, Printers.
- Network Information: Network Cards, Network Shares, currently active Network Connections, Open Ports.
- Network Tools: MAC Address Changer, Neighborhood Scan, Ping, Trace, Statistics
- Miscellaneous Tools: Eureka! (Reveal lost passwords hidden behind asterisks), Monitor Test, Shutdown / Restart.
- Real-time monitors: CPU, Memory, Page File usage and Network Traffic.
SIW is a standalone utility that does not require installation (Portable Freeware) - one less installed program on your PC as well the fact that you can run the program directly from an USB flash drive, from a floppy, from a network drive or from a domain login script.
Platform: Microsoft Windows 98 / Me / NT4 / 2000 / XP / Server 2003 / Media Center / Tablet PC / Windows 2003 Server R2 / Vista / Windows Server 2008 / Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 / WinRE / Bart PE / Winternals ERD Commander