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Friday, July 10, 2009


Website as a medium of information support for every business, the website is able to cover the various weaknesses of information that already exist such as: radio, television, newspapers and magazines. Media has a lack of information, namely, can only receive information but can not te view the information we need, also have limitations in terms of time, namely the rise and run time. With the website we can find almost all the information we need without being restricted by time and in the cast. In addition, the website also provides services that look very interesting, dynamic and interactive as well as files that are displayed can be saved from one computer to another anywhere easily and quickly. Then the other given by the website is not only a website a page on-line that can only be read or static, but has developed into a web that can only be interactive and able to give and receive responses to and from users.
Website is required in the design software such as asp, html, microsoft prontpage, Microsoft Access, photoshop and urd. Asp is a server side that is the ability to have combined with the text. Html used to make a mark-up (designation) of a text document. Frontpage used to design a website and publish it to the internet. Microsoft Access is used to create the database. Photoshop has to deliver the look website become more interactive and interesting, while a Url address of the internet, so the website can be accessed by the user. In design website, SAP has to combine the benefits of text, Html and components to create a web page that is dynamic and interaktive.
Website design can be applied in different institutions, including office groove. With the design of the website can manage office groove profiles village. Besides website design can also process the data and data process data employees. The author tries to make a website design and creation of data of tax payments for land and buildings contribute groove in the office, where the information system used and manual. Office during the groove is still in writing for the payment of taxes on land and buildings, this is less effective and disadvantage, in addition to the limited time also get the cost of expensive enough. To take the website design to provide convenience in conducting business activities in this groove. By using the website then the office can handle the groove and process the data or information in a rapid, precise and accurate.

Creating a Website - Fast and Easy!

Creating a website. Sounds complicated, doesn't it? It isn't. You don't need to be a techie or learn any type of complicated code either. If you are creating a website for the first time, bookmark this site. It will be really useful to you. I tell you everything you need to know and walk you through each step of the process - free!

There are three main steps to creating a web site:

1. Get a Domain Name - this page has everything you need to know about domain names - what they are, why you need one, how to choose a good one and how to get one.

2. Choose a Web Host - this page explains what a web host is, how to choose a good one, and what you really need and what you don't so you don't get taken.

3. Creating a Web Site - this page explains how you actually build a website, what you should and should not put on it and helps you figure out which website builder is for you.

Creating a website is just the first step to having a successful website. I will also show you add-ons you can put on your website like newsletters and counters for free or cheap, ways you can make money from your website and how to get traffic to it.

Why I Created This Website

I started this website for my friends and family because I was tired of seeing them get ripped off when they were creating a web site. They either paid way too much (and thought it was a good deal!) or got suckered into buying stuff they didn't need. This was started for them, but I hope you find it helpful too.

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